12 May Trends and innovative finishes in design counters
If you are looking for an innovative and original counter for your shop or business, don’t settle for classic finishes. Nowadays, there are multiple options in terms of textures and combinations that can offer a touch of distinction and elegance to your commercial spaces.
In this article, we present some of the most innovative trends and finishes in designer counters that we offer at Inretail. We study the latest trends in materials and designs to create durable, versatile and functional furniture that adapts to the image you want to project to your customers.
In terms of materials, melamine is our favourite material, as it allows us to create finishes with textures and different shades that combine with the quality of the designs. In addition, it can be combined with other materials such as panelate or fleetwood to achieve the best counter for your business.
Entre las tendencias en acabados para retail se destacan el efecto mármol, la madera natural, el efecto hormigón, las molduras y el panelate. Cada uno de ellos ofrece un estilo y una personalidad diferentes a tus espacios comerciales. Por ejemplo, el efecto mármol aporta distinción y elegancia como puedes observar en nuestro mostrador Koolhaas o Rohe, mientras que el efecto hormigón da un toque muy chic y cosmopolita, el Foster es un claro ejemplo. Por otro lado, las texturas también están dominando los nuevos diseños, incluyendo las molduras finas (Hoffman) y el panelate, que aportan un toque clásico o vintage (Aalto, Florence).
Among the trends in retail finishes, marble effect, natural wood, cement effect, mouldings and paneling stand out. Each of them offers a different style and personality to your commercial spaces. For example, the marble effect brings distinction and elegance as you can see in our Koolhaas or Rohe counter, while the concrete effect gives a very chic and cosmopolitan touch, the Foster is a clear example. On the other hand, textures are also dominating the new designs, including fine mouldings (Hoffman) and panelling, which give a classic or vintage touch (Aalto, Florence).
In short, at Inretail we offer a wide variety of innovative finishes for designer counters that adapt to trends in commercial interior design and allow you to customise your shop counter according to the image you want to convey to your customers.